Call for papers

After Arundel: Religious Writing in Fifteenth-Century England

An international conference organised by the Faculty of English, University of Oxford, in association with the Bodleian Library, marking the 600th anniversary of the publication of Arundel’s Constitutions.

16th – 18th April 2009, University of Oxford lees verder…

Bijna dertig sprekers staan er op het programma van het congres Come nasce un manoscritto miniato? Scriptoria, tecniche, modelli e materiali, dat op donderdag 6 en vrijdag 7 maart 2008 wordt georganiseerd door het Istituto di Storia dell’Arte Medioevale e Moderna van de Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore te Milaan. De meeste voordrachten worden in het Italiaans gehouden, een enkele in het Frans en Engels.

New Publications 2008


Supplemented June/July 2008

AVRIL, François, Maxence Hermant, Françoise Bibelot, Tres riches Heures de Champagne. L’enluminure en Champagne à la fin du Moyen Age. Paris, Editions Hazan, 2007. 215 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-7541-0188-2. € 25. Catalogue of an exhibition on tour in Châlons-en-Champagne, Troyes and Reims, 2007-2008.


In de BAN van boeken. Grote verzamelaars uit de 19de eeuw in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België . Ed. by Marcus de Schepper, Ann Kelders, Jan Pauwels. Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België, 2008, 217 pp. ISBN 90-6637-145-8. € 40. Catalogue to the exhibition, see BRUSSELS.



BARBER, Richard, Bestiary: Being an English Version of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Bodley 764. 208 pp., 136 ills. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2006. ISBN-13: 978 0 85115 753 5. $27.95. Translation of one of the finest examples of a medieval Bestiary. Reprint of the 1992 edition.



BEACH, Alison I. (ed.), Manuscripts and monastic culture. Reform and renewal in twelfth-century Germany. . Turnhout, Brepols, 2007. xiv+347 pp., ills. € 60. (Medieval Studies 13)


BERGEN, Wilhelmina van, De Meesters van Otto van Moerdrecht. Een onderzoek naar de stijl en iconografie van een groep miniaturisten, in relatie tot de productie van getijdenboeken in Brugge rond 1430. Amsterdam, F& E Boekservice/Eigen Beheer, 2007. 526 pp., ills. No ISBN.


BOSCHI ROTIROTI, Marisa (ed.), I manoscritti datati delle province di Grosseto, Livorno, Massa Carrara, Pistoia e Prato. Firenze. SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007 (Manoscritti datati d’Italia: 16). 112 pp., ills., ISBN 978-88-8450-246-9. € 102. With cd-rom.



BRÄM, Andreas, Neapolitanische Bilderbibeln des Trecento. Anjou-Buchmalerei von Robert dem Weisen bis zu Johanna I. Wiesbaden, Reichert, 2007. 2 vol., 488 pp. and 866 pl., ISBN 978-3-89500-503-9. € 248.
Profound analysis of eight bibles, illuminated in Naples between 1310 and 1365.



BRAUN-NIEHR, Beate, Die theologischen lateinischen Handschriften in octavo der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Teil 1: Ms. theol. lat. oct. 66-125. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Kataloge der Handschriftenabteilung. Erste Reihe: Handschriften. Band 3. 365 pp., ISBN 978-3-447-05183-5. € 78.


La BRETAGNE carolingienne. Entre influences insulaires et continentales. PECIA Volume 12. During the Carolingian era Brittany preserved certain unique particularities. Five articles address diverse aspects of this rich period. 172 pp., col. ills. ISSN 1761 4961. € 40 Online ordering : [see the site] or write to PECIA – 4, Jacques Duclos – Bte 451 – 93200 Saint-Denis – Fax 01 42 35 15 22



BRETSCHER-GISIGER, Charlotte, Rudolf Gamper, Katalog der mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Klöster Muri und Hermetschwil. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2005. 463 pp., ills., ISBN 3-85951-244-7. € 116.
Comprises 156 descriptions of medieval manuscripts, preserved in Swiss archives and libraries, with an illustrated introduction.



BROEKHUIJSEN, K.H. The Masters of the Dark Eyes. Late Medieval Manuscript Painting in Holland. ca. 350 p., 200 ills., Turnhout, Brepols, 2008, ARS 10, ISBN 978-2-503-51510-6, ca. € 125. Publication of dissertation scheduled for October 2008.


BROWN, J. Three Women of Liège. A Critical Edition of and Commentary on the Middle English Lives of Elizabeth of Spalbeek, Christina Mirabilis, and Marie d’Oignies. ca. x + 253 p., Turnhout, Brepols, 2008, ISBN 978-2-503-52471-9, ca. € 60. Publication scheduled for October 2008.
Important witness of English interest in continental mysticism.


BRUNOLD, Ursus, & Jürg L. Muraro (eds.), Necrologium Curiense. Mittelalterliche Toten- und Jahrzeitbücher der Kathedrale Chur. Codices C, D, E und G des Bischöflichen Archivs Chur. Faksimile. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2008. 320 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-85951-270-2. € 134.
Magnificent facsimile of the 12th-15th century necrologia from the cathedral of Chur in Switzerland; with brief codicological descriptions, but unfortunately without transcription or indices.



Das BUCH der Liebenden / Histoire d’amour sans paroles: Ms. 388 du Musée Condé à Chantilly. [I: Faksimileausgabe. II:] Patricia Stirnemann, Michel Zink, Kommentar zur Faksimileausgabe. Madrid, Eikon Editores, 2005. 2 vols., [26] and 83 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-87560-430-6. € 590.
A love story in pictures from early 16th century France with commentary.



CALIS, Piet, Vondel. Het verhaal van zijn leven (1597-1679). Amsterdam, J.M. Meulenhoff, 2008. 464 pp., ills., ISBN 9 789029 081481. € 35.
Excellent biography of Holland’s greatest poet of the 17th. century.



CARPENTER, David, Calendar of the Fine rolls of Henry III (1216-1248). 2 vols. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2007. 616 pp. ISBN-13: 978 1 84383 337 6. $ 190.
A window into the 13th century is provided by the publication of these important documents – a crucial source for medieval history.


CAVALLO, Guglielmo, Giovanna Nicolaj (eds.), Chartae Latinae Antiquiores. Facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd series: Ninth century. Part LXXXVIII: Italy LX. Modena, Nonantola I. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2008. 140 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-85951-230-6. € 550.
Contains 36 charters, dated 781-898.


CAVALLO, Guglielmo, Giovanna Nicolaj (eds.), Chartae Latinae Antiquiores. Facsimile-edition of the Latin charters. 2nd series: Ninth century. Part CI: Switzerland IV. Sankt Gallen II. Dietikon-Zürich, Urs Graf, 2008. 152 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-85951-246-7. € 550.
Contains 55 charters, dated 814-820.


CERUTTI, W.G.M., Van Commanderij van Sint-Jan tot Noord-Hollands Archief. Geschiedenis van het klooster en de kerk van de Ridderlijke Orde van het Hospitaal van Sint-Jan van Jeruzalem in Haarlem. 432 pp., col. ills. Haarlem, Uitgeverij Spaar en Hout, ISBN 978 9086830114 € 47,50.
History of buildings and books of the Commanderij of St. John, location of the fully renovated and newly established archives in Haarlem.



CHATELET, Albert Visages d’Antan. Le Recueil d’Arras (XIVe – XVIe s..) Avec la participation de Jacques Paviot € 197.
Important edition of this famous compilation of 289 portrait drawings supplmented with numerous coats of arms painted by Jacques Le Boucq.



CLARK, Willene B., A medieval book of beasts. The second-family bestiary. Commentary, art, text and translation. Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2006. 280 pp., ISBN 9780851156828. £ 75.
Concerns London, British Library, ms.Add.11283 (ca. 1180).



CLEMENS, Raymond, Timothy Graham, Introduction to manuscript studies. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2007. 301 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-8014-3863-9 / 978-0-8014-8708-8. $ 85 / € 35,50.
A lavishly illustrated new resource handbook on codicology, some palaeography, and medieval manuscript studies in general.



CLOUZOT, Martine, Images de musiciens (1350-1500). Typologie, figurations et pratiques sociales. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 (Collection “Épitome musical”). 353 pp., ils., ISBN 978-2-503-52345-5. € 125.
Reworked thesis from 1995 on music in Burgundian society.



COULSON, F.T., & A.A. Grotans (eds.), Classica et Beneventana. Essays presented to Virginia Brown on the occasion of her 65th birthday.Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 (Textes et études du Moyen Âge: 36). 444 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-52434-4. € 42,64. Festschrift in honour of one of the world’s leading authorities in Latin palaeography and especially Beneventan script.



CREMONA. A cathedral, a town. Catalogue, 240 pp., 250 ills. 2007 ISBN/EAN 97888-3660995-6 € 32.
To celebrate the IX centenary of the Cremona Cathedral, this exhibition illustrates the cultural, religious and economical aspects grown around the ‘holy building’ based on materials preserved in the city-, diocesan- and fiscal archives.


CROENEN, Godfried and Peter Ainsworth (eds.), Patrons, Authors and Workshops: Books and Book Production in Paris around 1400. Louvain: Editions Peeters, 2006. XXII-548 p. ills., ISBN 978-90-429-1707-1



DECLERCQ, Georges (ed.), Early medieval palimpsests. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007 (Bibliologia. Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia: 26). 155 pp., ISBN 978-2-503-52480-1. € 53. Handelingen van het contactforum ‘Vroegmiddeleeuwse palimpsesten – Early medieval palimpsests’, Brussel, February, 2008


DESACHY, Matthieu (dir.), Le scriptorium d’Albi: les manuscrits de la cathédrale Sainte-Cécile (VIIe-XIIe siècles). Rodez, Éditions du Rouergue, 2007 174 p., col. Ills. (Trésors écrits albigeois, II). ISBN 978-2-8415-6887-1. € 40.
[catalogue to the exhibition of 13th September 15 December 2007]



DEUFFIC, Jean-Luc, Notes de bibliologie. Livres d’heures et manuscrits du Moyen Age identifiés. Pecia 4, 120 pp.
For information mail to:


DINGEMANSE, Clazina, Rap van tong, scherp van pen. Literaire discussiecultuur in Nederlandse praatjespamfletten (circa 1600-1750). 400 p., ills. Hilversum, Verloren, 2008. ISBN 978-90-8704-042-0, €39.
Between 1600-1750 pamphlet printing’ was the most important medium for communication in the Low Countries. Popular also were the so-called ‘praatjes’: presumably realistic conservations between all kinds of inhabitants of the Dutch Republic about actual news and gossip. The author analyzes this form of literary presentation as well as the way or method of public manipulation.



L’ENFER de la Bibliothèque : Éros au secret. Sous la dir. de Marie-Françoise Quignard et de Raymond-Josué Seckel, avec la collab. d’Éric Walbecq. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2007, 460 p. ISBN 978-2-7177-2379-3. € 38  [catalogue to the exhibition of 4th December 2007 – 31 March 2008].


[FABIAN, Claudia, Bettina Wagner (eds.)], Katalogisierung mittelalterlicher Handschriften in internationaler Perspektive. Vorträge der Handschriftenbearbeitertagung vom 24. bis 27. Oktober 2005 in München. Herausgegeben von der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007 (Beiträge zur Buch- und Bibliothekswesen: 53). 221 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-447-05667-1. € 58.



FISHER, Celia, The medieval flower book. London, The British Library, 2007. 128 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-7123-4945-1. £ 20. Alphabetically arranged presentation of flowers depicted in BL.



FIRENZE e glo antichi Paesi Bassi 1430-1530 – Dialoghi tra artisti: Jan van Eyck a Ghirlandaio, da Memling a Raffaello. Catalogo a cura di Bert W. Meijer. Firenze 2008. 272 pp., 240 (200 col.) ills. Catalogue to the exhibition in FLORENCE, Palazzo Pitti (20 June – 26 October 2008).


FRIEDRICH II – “Von der Kunst mit Vögeln zu jagen”. Das Falkenbuch Friedrichs II. Kulturgeschichte und Ornithologie. Cat. Ed. by Mamoun Fasa & Carsten Ritzau. Oldenburg 2008. 160 pp, 100 col. ills. € 29,90

Famous among medieval manuscripts is the Falcon book made for and by Emperor Frederick II. between 1241 and 1248. Catalogue to the exhibition in Oldenburg, Landesmuseum, 10 February – 15. June 2008


GAMESON, Richard, The earliest books of Canterbury Cathedral. Manuscripts and fragments to c. 1200. London [etc.], The Bibliographical Society / The British Library [etc.], 2008. 414 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0948170-166 / 978-07123-5008-2. £ 60 (members £ 30).
First time catalogue of the 42 manuscripts dating from the 9th-13th centuries, each illustrated in colour.



Das GEBETBUCH Karls des Kühnen. Ms. 37, The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. [I: Faksimile band. II:] Antoine De Schryver, Kommentar. [Luzern], Faksimile Verlag Luzern, 2007. 2 vols., ills., ISBN 978-3856721107 and 978-3856721114.



GIOVANNI DA MILANO – FLORENZ, GALLERIA DELL’ACCADEMIA – Capolavori del Gotico fra Lombardia e Toscana. Catalogo a cura di Daniela Parenti. Firenze 2008. 320 pp., over 200 (col.) ills. € 49,90

First monograph dedicated to Giovanni da Milano, catalogue to the exhibition of 10 June 2008 – 2 November 2008

GRAND SCALE – NEW HAVEN, YALE UNIVERSITY ART CENTER – Monumental Prints in the Age of Dürer and Titian. Catalogue ed. by Larry Silver & Elizabeth Wyckoff. Wellesley, 2008 120 pp., 87 ills.

“Grand Scale” brings to light rare surviving examples of mural-size prints – a Renaissance art form nearly lost from historical record. Not about the intimate 16th-century woodcuts, engravings, and etchings but on mural-size prints. Nearly fifty examples from Italy, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. Catalogue to the exhibition, 23 September – 14 December 2008


GREBE, Anja, Goldenes Mittelalter. Geschichte der Buchmalerei. Ostfildern, Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2007. 160 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-7995-0184-2. € 39,90



HAEMERS, Jelle, Céline Van Hoorebeeck & Hanno Wijsman (eds.), Entre la ville, la noblesse et l’état: Philippe de Clèves (1456-1528) homme politique et bibliophile. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 (Burgundica: 13). 294 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-51912-8. £ 40.
Acts of an international colloquium on urban society in the medieval Netherlands.



HÄRTEL, Helmar, Tradition als Herausforderung. Zimelien aus den Sammlungen der Herzog August Bibliothek. Eine Führung von der Spätantike bis zur Reformation. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007. 94 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-447-05535-2. € 30,70.
Catalogue of the exhibition of treasures held in Wolfenbüttel in honour of the 80th anniversary of Paul Raabe.


HARTZELL, K.D. Catalogue of Manuscripts written or owned in England up to 1200 containing Music. 746 pp., 8 ills. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2006. ISBN-13: 978 1 84383 281 2. $170.
An exhaustive catalogue of all the manuscript containing music in the medieval period, published in association with the Plainsong and Medieval Music Society.


HEBREW Manuscripts in the Vatican Library. Compiled by the staff of the Institute of microfilmed Hebrew manuscripts, Jewish National and University Library. Ed. by B. Richler. Palaeographical and codicological description by M. Beit-Ariè in collaboration with N. Pasternak. Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2008
(Studi e Testi, 438). xxvi, 682, 66* p, ills. ISBN978-88-210-0823-8. €120.


HEERTUM, Cis van, Libertas Philosophandi. Spinoza als gids voor een vrije wereld. Amsterdam, In de Pelikaan, 2008, 336 pp., ills. ISBN 97A-90-71608-24-7. € 25. With 13 well accessible essays (in Dutch) of Spinoza experts and a catalogue to the exhibition in the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica, see AMSTERDAM



HENDERICX, P.A. & I. Back, Het cartularium van de heren van Veere uit het geslacht van Borselen. 1282-1481, 1555. 407 p., ills. Hilversum, Verloren, 2007. Middeleeuwse Studiën en Bronnen, 109. ISBN 9789087040048 € 29.



HILG, Hardo (ed.), Lateinische mittelalterliche Handschriften in Quarto der Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg. Die signaturengruppe Cod. I.2.4º und Cod. II.1.4º. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007. 623 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-447-05420-1. € 98. Volume 1,3: third part of the ‘Erste Reihe’.



HOLLANDER, August den, Erik Kwakkel, Wybren Scheepsma (eds.), Middelnederlandse bijbelvertalingen. Hilversum, Verloren, 2007 (Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen: 102). 207 pp., ills., ISBN 978-9065509642. € 25.
Bundle with 13 articles on the translations of the Bible into dutch since the end of the 13th century.



HOMMEL, Nelly de, & Jos Koldeweij, Flemish Apocalypse. Barcelona, Moleiro, 2005. 220 pp., ills., ISBN 978-84-88526-98-4.


HOOGVLIET, Margriet, Pictura et scriptura. Textes, images et herméneutique des mappae mundi (XIIIe-XVIe siècle). Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 (Terrarum Orbis: 7). 390 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-52065-0. € 80.
This study, defended as a dissertation in Groningen in 1999, shows that medieval ideas survived in the cartography of the 16th century.



HÜRKEY, Edgar J. (ed.), Schätze aus Pergament. Mittelalterliche Handschriften aus Frankenthal.Frankenthal, Erkenbert-Museum, 2007. 200 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-00-022493-5.
Catalogue of the exhibition held in the Erkenbert-Museum 19 september – 25 november 2007.


HUNT, Tony, Miraculous Rhymes: The Writings of Gautier de Coinci. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer, 2007. 224 pp. ISBN-13: 978 1 84383 126 5. $85 A study of wordplay and rhetorical style in the work of Gautier de Coinci (1177/8-1236. See also below: KRAUSE


JACKSON, Deirdre, Marvellous to behold. Miracles in medieval manuscripts. London, The British Library, 2007. 160 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-7123-4946-8. $ 35. Lavishly illustrated with 118 miraculous images – not restricted to religious works.



JANSE, Antheun, m.m.v. Ingrid Biesheuvel (eds.), Johan Huyssen van Kattendijke-kroniek. Die historie of die cronicke van Hollant, van Zeelant ende van Vrieslant ende van den Stichte van Utrecht. Den Haag, Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis, 2005 (Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën, Kleine Serie: 102). CLXXIV + 630 pp., ills., ISBN 90-5216-140-2. € 70.
Exemplary edition of one of the last medieval chronicles in private hands.


JANSSENS, Jozef D., In de schaduw van de keizer. Hendrik van Veldeke en zijn tijd (1130-1230). Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2007. 207 pp., ills., ISBN 978-9057305283. € 29,95.
This richly illustrated publication reflects on Veldeke in European context.



KARL DER KüHNE (1433-1477). Kunst, Krieg und Hofkultur. Herausgeg. von Susan Marti, Till-Holger Borchert & Gabriele Keck. Bern, Brugge, Stuttgart. 382 pp., col. ills. ISBN 978-3-7630-2513-8 Catalogue to the superb exhibition in the Historisches Museum in Bern and later in the Bruggemuseum & Groeninge Museum. See also exhibitions BERN and BRUGES


KÖNIG, Eberhard, Die Grandes Heures de Rohan. Eine Hilfe zum Verständnis des Manuscrit latin 9471 der Bibliothèque nationale de France. Simbach am Inn, Verlagsbuchhandlung Anton Pfeiler jun., 2006. 122 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-9810655-2-7. € 58.


KORS, Mikel, De bijbel voor leken. Studies over Petrus Naghel en de Historiebijbel van 1361. Ingeleid door Geert H.M. Claassens. With an English summary. Leuven, Encyclopédie Bénédictine, 2007. 208 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-52661-4.


KRAUSE, Kathy M., & Alison Stones (eds.), Gautier de Coinci. Miracles, music and manuscripts. Turnhout, Brepols, 2006 (Medieval texts and cultures od Northern Europe: 13). 486 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-52060-5. $ 108.
Essays on the French poet Gautier de Coinci (†1236), result of an interdisciplinary conference in Pittsburgh. See also above: HUNT


KULTURKOSMOS DER RENAISSANCE – MÜNCHEN – Die Gründung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Catalogue ed. by Béatrice Hernad. München 2008. 356 pp., 165 col. ills. € 49,80

LAAN, P.H.J. van der & R. Bessem, Resoluties van de Vroedschap van Amsterdam. 1551-1556. 352 pp., ills., Hilversum, Verloren, 2008 ISBN 9789065509932 € 34.
Publication announced for 28 September 2008.
The oldest resolutions (1490-1550) have been published earlier (1986, Amstrdam City Archives). Both books are essentiel for all research on Amsterdam during the later Middle Ages.



LAFFITTE, M.-P. (éd.) Les manuscrits carolingiens. Actes du colloque de Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, le 4 mai 2007. ca. 250 pp., Turnhout, Brepols, 2008. ISBN 978-2-503-52598-3, ca. € 50. Publication scheduled for October 2008


LAPIDGE, Michael, The Anglo-Saxon library. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008. 407 pp., ISBN 978-0-19-923969-6. $ 55.
First full-length account of the nature and holdings of Anglo-Saxon libraries from the 6th-11th centuries; paperback edition of the 2006 publication.



LECTORI SALUTEM. In Boek en oudheid, onder redactie van René van Beek, Geralda Jurriaans-Helle en Frits van der Meij, Amsterdam, Uitgeverij Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep. Ills, 176 pp., ISBN 978 90 253 6361 1 € 24,95. See exhibitions: AMSTERDAM



LEGARÉ, Anne-Marie (ed.), Livres et lectures de femmes en Europe entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007. 378 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-51882-4. € 120. Texts of the contributions to the international colloquium held at Lille, 24-26 May 2004.


MADDOX, D & S. Sturm-Maddox (eds.), Parisian Confraternity. Drama of the Fourteenth Century. The Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages. ca. x + 238 pp., ills., Turnhout, Brepols, 2008, TCNE 22, ISBN 978-2-503-52852-6, approx. € 60
Publication scheduled for October 2008

First volume of studies devoted solely to the Miracles de Nostre Dame par personnages. These anonymous plays, found in a single luxury manuscript, comprise the only major corpus of dramatic works in French that have survived from the fourteenth century.


McKITTERICK, Rosamund, Charlemagne. The formation of a European identity. Cambridge University Press, 2008, 460 pp., 8 maps, 11 tbls. ISBN 13-9780521716451 € 26 (ppbk, will also be available in hardback £ 45. ISBN 13-9780521886727).



MANOSCRITTI datati delle province di Frosinone, Rieti e Viterbo, a cura di Lidia Buono, Roberta Casavecchia, Marco Palma & Eugenia Russo. Volume 17 of the series “Manoscritti datati d’Italia”, see for more information: SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo: href=”” mce_href=””>


MANUSCRIPT STUDIES in the Low Countries. Proceedings of the ‘Groninger Codicologendagen’ in Friesland, 2002. Edited by Anne Margreet W. As-Vijvers, Jos. M.M. Hermans & Gerda C. Huisman. Groningen/Leeuwarden: Egbert Forsten/Fryske Akademy, 2008(Boekhistorische Reeks III). xvi, 389 pp. ISBN 978 90 6980 144 5. €65. The last work of Jos Hermans who for many years inspired and organized the ‘Groninger Codicologen dagen’. After a long delay, now published thanks to the good care of Anne Margreet As and Gerda Huisman.


MARCHIOLI, Nicoletta Giove, Leonardo Granata & Martina Pantarotto, I manoscritti medievali di Vicenza e provincia. Venezia, Regione del Veneto, Giunta Regionale / Firenze, SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007 (Biblioteche e archivi: 17; Manoscritti medievali del Veneto: 3). 225 pp., ills., ISBN 978-88-8450-238-4. € 173. With cd-rom.



MEDIEVAL Imagination. Illuminated manuscripts from Cambridge, Australia and New Zealand. Ed. by Bronwyl Stocks & Nigel Morgan. Melbourne, Macmillan Art Publishing, 2008. 228 p. ills. $ 59,95
Catalogue to the succesful exhibition in Australia (28 March – 15 June 2008)



MIGLIO, Luisa, Governare l’alfabeto. Donne, scrittura e libri nel Medioevo. Roma, Viella, 2008 (Scritture e libri del Medioevo, 6). For more information see:

Die MITTELALTERLICHEN Elfenbeinarbeiten des Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt. Catalogue ed. by Theo Jülich. Berlin/Köln. 2007. 255 pp., 243 (218 col.) ills. € 39,90


MORGAN, Nigel, The Douce Apocalypse. Picturing the end of the world in the Middle Ages. Oxford, Bodleian Library/University of Oxford, 2007. 115 pp., ills, ISBN 978-1-85124-360-0. € 45.
Second volume in the Treasures from the Bodleian Library series, on one of the finest medieval apocalypse manuscripts, datable in the third quarter of the 13th century.



MORRISON, Elizabeth, Beasts. Factual & fantastic. Los Angeles / London, The J. Paul Getty Museum / The British Library, 2007 (The Medieval Imagination). 104 pp., ills, ISBN 978-0-7123-4991-8. $ 19,95.
First volume in a series of small, affordable books that will draw on manuscript illumination from the Middle Ages and early Renaissance.



NIEUS, J.-F. (éd.), Le vassal, le fief et l’écrit. Pratiques d’écriture et enjeux documentaires dans le champ de la féodalité (XIe-XVe s.). Actes de la journée d’étude organisée à Louvain-la-Neuve le 15 avril 2005. 218 p., ills., Turnhout, Brepols, 2008, ISBN 978-2-503-52892-2, € 30.


NOORDERVLIET, Nelleke, Een stad vol boeken. / City of Books. Ed. by K. van der Hoek, Amsterdam, New Amsterdam Uitgevers, 2008. 160 p., col. ills, ISBN 978 90 468 0398-1 5 € 25

Good to know: this book describes collections in Amsterdam only!


ORNATISSIMO CODICE – La biblioteca di Federico di Montefeltro. Catalogo a cura di Marcella Peruzzi, Claudia Caldari & Lorenza Mochi Onori. Urbino 2008. 247 pp, 177 ills. with CD-ROM. € 39.95
Catalogue to the exhibition 15 March – 27 July 2008

Die OTTHEINRICH-Bibel. Das erste illustrierte Neue Testament in deutscher Sprache. Claudia Fabian/Jürgen Schefzyk (eds). Begleitbuch zu den Ausstellungen anlässlich der Zusammenführung der Ottheinrich-Bibel im Jahre 2008. Luzern, 2008, 216 pp., ills paperback: ISBN 978-388008003, € 29,90; hardcover: ISBN 978-3896783912, € 39,90.



OUY, Gilbert, La librairie des frères captifs. Les manuscrits de Charles d’Orléans et Jean d’Angoulême. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007 (Texte, Codex & Contexte: 4). 185 pp., ISBN 978-2-503-52540. € 41.
Reconstruction of the library of two French princes during their captivity in England between 1415 and 1440. With an edition of Charles’ poem ‘Canticum Amoris’.


PARIGI, Maria Cristina, Patrizia Stoppacci (eds.), I manoscritti datati delle provincia di Arezzo. Firenze, SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007 (Manoscritti datati d’Italia: 15). 100 pp., ills., ISBN 978-88-8450-216-2. € 98.



PIERRAT, Emmanuel, Le livre des livres érotiques. Paris, Ed. du Chêne, 2007, 222 p., ISBN 978-2-84277-704-3 € 39,90

RAPP, Andrea, & Michael Embach (eds.), Rekonstruktion und Erschließung mittelalterlicher Bibliotheken. Neue Formen der Handschriftenpräsentation. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2008 (Beiträge zu den Historischen Kulturwissenschaften: 1). 186 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-05-004320-3. € 49,80.
Articles resulting from a workinggroup that met in Trier in april 2006.



La RELIURE médiévale: pour une description normalisée. Actes du colloque (Paris, 22-24 mai 2003) organisé par l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes. Ed. by Guy Lanoë & Geneviève Grand.Turnhout, Brepols, 2008. X-466 p., ills (Reliures médiévales des bibliothèques de France. Hors série.) ISBN 978-2-503-52876-2

RENAISSANCE FACES – MADRID, PRADO – Van Eyck to Titian. Catalogue ed. by Susan Foister & Miguel Falomir. Madrid/London 2008. Contributions by Luke Syson, Lorne Campbell et all., 272 pp., 170 col. ills.

This comprehensive survey of Renaissance portraiture, a collaborative project between the National Gallery in London and the Prado in Madrid, takes as its central theme the intriguing relationship between artists working in Italy and northern Europe.

La REPRESENTATION de l’invisible. Trésors de l’enluminure romane en Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Valenciennes, Bibliothèque de Valenciennes, 2007. 95 pp.
[catalogue to the exhibition of 15th October- 31 December 2007]. ISBN 2-902133-21-9 €20.


Le ROI Arthur. Une légende en devenir. ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Sarah Toulouse et Patrick Absalon.104 pp., 150 ills., € 15 co-ed. with Les Champs Libres à Rennes. Publication announced for August 20th 2008.



SCOTT, Kathleen L., Tradition and innovation in later medieval English manuscripts. London, The British Library, 2007. 194 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-7123-4936-9. £ 45.
An original investigation of motives for including pictures in manuscripts, of the role of the author in illustration, and of the traditional and innovative nature of visual representation in manuscripts of the 15th and early 16th centuries.


SCUDIERI, Magnolia & Sara Giacomelli, Fra Giovanni Angelico. Pittore miniatore o miniatore pittore? Firenze, Giunti, 2007. 223 pp., ills., ISBN 978-88-09-05670-1. € 32.
Catalogue of the exhibition in the Museo di San Marco, Florence, 20 Dec. 2007 – 29 March 2008.


SHEPARD, Dorothy M., Introducing the Lambeth Bible: a study of texts and imagery. Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007. 320 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-51511-3. € 95.


SMITH, Kathryn A., & Carol H. Krinsky (eds.), Tributes to Lucy Freeman Sandler. Studies in illuminated manuscripts. London [etc.], Harvey Miller, 2007. 428 pp., ills., ISBN 978-1-872-50103-1. € 166.
Mainly concerning thirteenth and fourteenth century English manuscript illumination, major fields of research interest of professor Freeman Sandler.



STAD van Boeken. Handschrift en druk in Leiden 1260-2000. Ed. by A. Bouman, E. van der Vlist, B. Dongelmans & P. Hoftijzer. Leiden, Primavera Pers, 496 p., col. ills. ISBN 978 90 5997 054 0, € 39,50.
Catalogue to the exhibition (22 February- 10 June 2008) presented by Leiden University & Library in the Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal. The exhibition was sponsored by Brill Publishers, celebrating its 325th anniversary!


STRASBOURG 1400 – Catalogue sous la direct. de Philippe Lorentz. Strasbourg 2008. 264 pp, 350 ills. € 44
In the 15th century, Strassbourg occupied a leading position in European art. In this book you will find paintings and manuscripts, sculptures and architectural drawings. For the first time re-united are the works of the Maitre du Jardin de Paradis


STUTZMANN, Dominique, et Piotr Tylus, Les manuscrits médiévaux français et occitans de la Preussische Staatsbibliothek et de la Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Kataloge der Handschriftenabteilung. Erste Reihe: Handschriften. Band 5. 359 pp., ISBN 978-3-447-05467-6.


SURMANN, Ulrike, Die Muttergottes mit dem Veilchen. Stefan Lochner, Reihe »Kolumba« Bd. 29, Köln 2008, 40 p., 14 ills. € 10,00
Publication from the new KOLUMBA diocesan museum in Cologne.

THOMSON, R.M., Books and learning in twelfth-century England: The ending of ‘alter orbis’. The Lyell Lectures 2000-2001. Herts, Red Gull Press, 2006. 115 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-9553702-0-5.
Modified text of the lecture delivered at Oxford University in May 2001, concerning England’s engagement with continental Europe from 1066 to about 1200.


VANWIJNSBERGHE, Dominique, “Moult bons et notables”. L’enluminure tournaisienne à l’époque de Robert Campin (1380-1430). Paris [etc.], Peeters, 2007 (Corpus of illuminated manuscripts: 17). LXIII + 414 pp., ills., ISBN 978-9042917583. € 100.


VIS, G.N.M., Het Klooster Egmond: Hortus conclusus. Hilversum, Verloren, 2008 334 p., ills. Egmondse Studiën 5. ISBN 9789087040253 € 35.
Last volume of this fascinating series on Holland’s most important medieval monastery (and, a.o.,its library and surviving manuscripts).


WELT DER WIEGENDRUCKE – Die ersten gedruckten Bücher der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek. Catalogue ed. by Eva Raffel. Weimar 2007/08. 160 pp. with 69 ills. € 19,90

A selection out of a collection of 427 incunabula.

Eine WELT in Bewegung – Unterwegs zu Zentren des frühen Mittelalters. Catalogue ed, by Georg Eggenstein, Norbert Börste u.a. Paderborn/Würzburg 2008. 349 pp., 500 (col.) ills. € 24,90

WER ist der Gral? Geschichte und Wirkung eines Mythos. Catalogue ed. by Sven Friedrich. Bayreuth 2008. 80 pp., mostly col. ills. € 24,90
Exbibition catalogue on history and iconograpgy of the Grail motiv as well as the reception of Richard Wagners Parsifal and the meaning and function of Grail-Symbols in the context of NS-Ideologie.

WERNER, Thomas Den Irrtum liquidieren. Bücherverbrennungen im Mittelalter. Wiesbaden, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2007 ISBN-10: 3525358806 ; ISBN-13: 9783525358801 € 118.



WIECK, Roger S., e.a., Picturing piety: the book of hours. London, Paul Holberton Publishing, 2007 (Les Enluminures. Catalogue: 13). 273 pp., ills., ISBN 978-1-9034706-5-7. € 50.
Catalogue of a dealers exhibition held in Les Enluminures, Paris, 11 September – 11 November 2007.


WORM, Andrea, Das Pariser Perikopenbuch. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Ms. lat. 17325 und die Anfänge der romanischen Buchmalerei an Rhein und Weser. Berlin, Deutscher Verlag für Kunstwissenschaft, 2008 (Denkmäler deutscher Kunst). 272 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-87157-220-3.



In 1802, at the height of the Napoleonic Wars, Hendrik Fagel, Greffier of Holland, lived as an exile in London, where reduced circumstances eventually forced him to sell the family library. Trinity College, Dublin, aquired the entire collection, increasing the holdings of the College library by 40%, from 50 000 to 70 000 volumes. Representing the intellectual and social interests of a wealthy and distinguished Dutch family over a period of some 200 years, the collection transformed the contents of the university library that had until then been dominated by theology.

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Nieuwe publicaties

Annalen EgmondANNALEN van Egmond. De Annales Egmundenses en het Chronicon Egmundanum uitgegeven en vertaald door M. Gumbert-Hepp, J.P. Gumbert en J.W. Burgers.

Hilversum 2007. ISBN 13-9789087040000 € 49 Final edition! completing years of study of all material concerning the famous Egmond abbey. A hallmark.

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Exhibitions 2007

AMSTERDAM, Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica

Jacob Böhme’s weg in de wereld
29 Oktober 2007 – 2 Mei 2008

Jubileumtentoonstelling n.a.v. het 50-jarig bestaan van de BPH over de werken van Duitse filosoof-theosoof Jacob Böhme zoals deze in de 17de eeuw door Abraham Willemsz van Beyerland in Amsterdam zijn verzameld en uitgegeven.

AMSTERDAM, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Bijzondere Collecties (Oude Turfmarkt 129).

Aap, vis, boek – Linnaeus in Amsterdam
september 2007

Met de topstukken uit de Artis Bibliotheek. Mooie tentoonstelling in de prachtig vernieuwde afdeling, beslist een bezoek waard.

AMSTERDAM, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Bijzondere Collecties

Geef een boek! Reclame uit de boekenwereld
8 maart – 18 mei 2008

Books and Publicity ! Part of Unesco’s manifestation ‘Amsterdam City of Books’.

ANTWERPEN, KFZ Koningin Fabiolazaal (Jezusstraat 2)

Portret van een woordenaar. Cornelis Kiliaan (1530-1607) en het woordenboek in de Nederlanden.
10 november 2007 – 6 januari 2008

Zie ook

BALTIMORE, Walters Art Museum

Maps: finding our place in the world
March 16- June 8, 2008

Ambitious exhibition features some of the world’s greatest cartographhic treasures. From Leonardo da Vinci to Tolkien. Organized in collaboration with the Field Museum and the Newberry Library (Chicago).

BERLIJN, Kunstgewerbemuseum

Mittelalterliche Elfenbeine aus dem Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt
12 oktober 2007 – 6 januari 2008

Tentoonstelling in de serie “Dialog der Museen”. Mooie bruikleenexpositie van de ivoortjes uit de collectie van Baron Hupps – op reis omdat het Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt wordt verbouwd.


BRUSSEL, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten

Het meesterlijk atelier. Europese Kunstroutes (5de tot 18de eeuw).
5 oktober 2007 – 20 januari 2008

In de Europalia reeks met als thema het Jaar van Europa in Brussel met o.a. het Utrechts Psalter en zijn beroemde kopieën!


EISENACH, Wartburg en in de Predikerkerk

Elisabeth van Thüringen. Eine Europäische Heilige.
7 juli – 19 november 2007

De tentoonstelling herdenkt het 800ste geboortejaar van deze beroemde heilige Hongaarse koningsdochter en landgravin van Thüringen.


FLORENCE, Bibliotheca Medicea Laurenziana

La Biblioteca in Mostra: animali fantastici / The Library on display: imaginary creatures.
1 april – 31 december 2007

Thema-tentoonstelling van 19 handschriften en 9 drukken uit eigen bezit. Met gedrukte catalogus, maar een virtuele wandeling is ook mogelijk: animalifantastici/index.htm<>


FRANKENTHAL, Erkenbert-Museum

Schätze aus Perkament. Mittelalteriche Handschriften aus Frankenthal.
19 september – 25 november 2007

Concentreert zich op handschriften die in het klooster Frankenthal geschreven en in de loop der tijden verspreid geraakt zijn, met bruiklenen uit verschillende Duitse en buitenlandse bibliotheken o.a. uit Londen, Wenen, Den Haag en Rome.


MELBOURNE (Aus.), State library of Victoria
The Medieval Imagination: illuminated manuscripts from Cambridge, Australia and New Zealand
Vanaf maart 2008

Met 50 handschriften van bibliotheken uit Cambridge (Eng) en 50 uit Australische bibliotheken.
Voor meer info zie: of mail naar


NEURENBERG, Germanisches Nationalmuseum

Das goldene Evangelienbuch aus Echternach.
22 november 2007 – 24 februari 2008

De geheel in goud geschreven »Codex Aureus behoort tot de topstukken van het museum en is een van de meest rijkversierde handschriften uit de Middeleeuwen (Trier, ca. 1040). Regelmatig worden andere bladen opengelegd. Met catalogus van Doris Oltrogge en Robert Fuchs, 152 pp., kl. ills € 39.90, zie ook GREBE


NEURENBERG, Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Zelfportret Dürer

100 Meisterzeichnungen. Aus der Graphischen Sammlung der Universität Erlangen
6 maart – 8 juni 2008

Expositie met topwerken van Dürer (o.a. het zelfportret), Altdorfer, Huber, Baldung Grien und Cranach.


NEW YORK, The Pierpont Morgan Library

Michelangelo, Vasari, and Their Contemporaries Drawings from the Uffizi
January 25- April 20, 2008

Seventy-nine masterpieces of Renaissance drawing will be on view in this exhibition presenting a survey of Florentine draftsmanship of the sixteenth century from Michelangelo and Pontormo to Vasari and the mannerists such as Bronzino and Alessandro Allori.


PARIJS, Bibliothèque Nationale (locatie: Francois Mitterand, west hal)

Les Globes de Louis XIV
Vanaf november 2007

Spectaculaire nieuwe (permanente) inrichting van de mooiste globes. Geplaatst in het centrum van een zeer origineel decor dat recht doet aan de schilderingen. In de «Hall des Globes » wordt de plaats getoond die deze werken innemen in de geschiedenis van de ontwikkeling van de cartografie en hoe men zich de wereld heeft voorgesteld.


PFORZHEIM, Stadsmuseum

Johannes Reuchlins Bibliothek Gestern und Heute.
9 september – 11 november 2007

Reconstructie van de privébibliotheek van de humanist Johannes Reuchlin (1455-1522) die al tijdens zijn leven beroemd was en kort na zijn dood openbaar toegankelijk werd. Met catalogus (zie JOHANNES REUCHLIN). Ook interessant vanwege de Hebreeuwse handschriften.


WOLFENBÜTTEl, Herzog August Bibliothek, Augusteerhalle, Schatzkammer

Tradition als Herausforderung: Paul Raabe und die Herzog August Bibliothek 1968-1992. Die Zimelien.
25 februari – 21 oktober 2007

Met publicatie.

Ook in deze periode (maar korter) in het kabinet van de Bibliotheca Augusta:

Einbände aus vier Jahrhunderten – ein Querschnitt aus den Sammlungen der Herzog August Bibliothek.
2 september – 21 oktober 2007

Tentoonstelling naar aanleiding van de Arbeitstagung des Arbeitskreises für die Erfassung, Erschließung und Erhaltung Historischer Bucheinbände (AEB)




400 new entries for Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts (with at least one image per record) from the British Library Harley Collection have been made available online as part of the Catalogue of Illuminated Manuscripts ( Uploads take place every 6 months.

Please have a look!
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Op 21 september 2007 is de website Medieval Manuscripts in Dutch Collections (MMDC) gepresenteerd. Deze portal stelt zich tot doel informatie te verschaffen over alle middeleeuwse handschriften die zich in openbare collecties in Nederland bevinden. In totaal gaat het om meer dan 6000 handschriften uit de periode tot het midden van de 16de eeuw. Verder bevat de website onder meer een beknopte paleografische atlas en een doorzoekbare versie van de beide delen van Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas.
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In Memoriam Jos.M.M. Hermans (1949-2007)

Op 27 juli 2007 j.l. overleed Jos. M.M. Hermans, hoogleraar in de Westerse handschriftenkunde en boekwetenschap aan de Universiteit Groningen. Jos was een van de oprichters van BIFOLIUM en vriend van velen van ons. Vorig jaar omstreeks de kerstdagen werd hij ziek en al gauw bleek dat hij niet meer zou herstellen. In de tijd die hem restte, moest hij afscheid nemen van alles wat hij lief had: zijn vrouw en dochters, zijn vrienden en zijn werk.

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Exhibitions 2007

AMSTERDAM, Bibliotheca Philosophic Hermetica
Jacob Böhmes weg in de wereld

19 October 2007 – 2 may 2008

Jubilee exhibition on the 50th anniversary of the Ritman Library, displaying the 17th century Böhme collection as it was in Amsterdam at the time of Abraham Willemsz. van Beyerland.


AMSTERDAM, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Bijzondere Collecties
Geef een boek! Reclame uit de boekenwereld

8 maart – 18 mei 2008

Books and plubicity! Part of the celebration of Unesco’s Amsterdam City of Books.


BALTIMORE, Walters Art Museum
Maps: finding our place in the world

March 16- June 8, 2008

Ambitious exhibition features some of the world’s greatest cartographhic treasures. From Leonardo da Vinci to Tolkien. Organized in collaboration with the Field Museum and the Newberry Library (Chicago).


NEW YORK, The Pierpont Morgan Library
Michelangelo, Vasari, and Their Contemporaries Drawings from the Uffizi

January 25- 2008

Seventy-nine masterpieces of Renaissance drawing will be on view in this exhibition presenting a survey of Florentine draftsmanship of the sixteenth century from Michelangelo and Pontormo to Vasari and the mannerists such as Bronzino and Alessandro Allori.

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