Klik hier voor de aankondiging, met het programma en het inschrijfformulier, van het seminarie Léon Delaissé en de tentoonstelling De Vlaamse miniatuur (1959): vijftig jaar onderzoek naar de Bourgondische
miniatuurkunst, dat op 3 december te Brussel plaats zal vinden en georganiseerd wordt door het Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium.

Drie eeuwen kennis en cultuur in bijzondere boeken Tentoonstelling in Museum Meermanno

Van 3 oktober 2009 t/m 10 januari 2010 organiseert Museum Meermanno de tentoonstelling ‘Boekenwijsheid. Drie eeuwen Nederlandse boekdrukkunst, 1540-1800′.

In deze eeuwen beleefde de Nederlandse boekproductie een ongekende bloei – zowel in aantal als in kwaliteit. In boekenland Nederland verschenen in deze periode meer dan 200.000 titels. De tentoonstelling laat hieruit een dwarsdoorsnede zien. Van topstukken tot gebruiksdrukwerk, van prachtige illustraties tot haastig handwerk, van almanakken tot atlassen, van devote werken tot erotisch proza,. Een uniek overzicht dat de bezoeker overtuigend duidelijk maakt waarom Nederland destijds internationaal een uitzonderlijke positie innam op het terrein van het gedrukte boek.
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Call for papers

AMSTERDAM 27-29 MAY 2010

Session: “Manipulating the Object: Simultaneous Readings and Experiences”

Encounter with the image in the late Middle Ages (ca. 1350-early 16th century) was intimately connected to its reality as a physical object. Altarpieces were opened and closed, metalwork and other small sculptures were handled and repositioned, and even panel painting could be turned or reversed, while manuscripts by necessity required manipulation by hands. This session seeks to focus on how the physicality of an object invited simultaneous readings of the image, and how the possibility of multiple interpretations and functions enhanced its experience. How did users physically manipulate objects, and what did they gain by doing so? How did the actual space around the object and its internal virtual space interfere or interact with the way in which an object was used? While changing the context of an artwork’s display could have an impact on its reception and therefore its meaning, this session seeks to go beyond questions of portability and re-use, to show how boundaries between multiple readings are crossed through the actual shape of a work, its formal organization, by the way it was physically handled, or its possible use of different media. Inquiries into the documentation of such practices are invited, as are art historical and contextual inquiries that tie together iconographic, stylistic, devotional, political, material, and other approaches.

Session Organizers:

Dr. Anne Margreet As-Vijvers, University of Amsterdam
Dr. Margaret Goehring, University of Rochester

Please email a 1-page abstract and CV by Wednesday, July 1, 2009 to both organizers at: and

For further information, please go to HNA’s website.

Recent publications, May 2009

BRAASCH-SCHWERSMANN, Ursula, Axel HALLE (eds.), Wigand Gerstenberg von Frankenberg 1457-1522. Die Bilder aus seinen Chroniken Thüringen und Hessen – Stadt Frankenberg. Marburg, Hessisches Landesamt für geschichtliche Landeskunde, 2007 (Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Verfassungs- und Landesgeschichte: 23). XVI, 391 pp., ills. ISBN 978-3-921254-86-8. € 29.

Fifteen contributions and exhibition catalogue on all illustrations in one of the treasures of the Universitäts­bibliothek Kassel.


BRINKMANN, Bodo, Das Stundenbuch der Grafen von Manderscheid, Gerolstein und Blankenheim. Sammlung Renate König IV. Köln, Kolumba, 2006 (Kolumba: 25). 86 pp., ills. ISBN 3-931326-52-7. € 16.

Nearby-facsimile of this splendid Latin Book of Hours produced in Bruges around 1515.


[BUBENIK, Claudia, Cornelia JAHN (eds.)]. Kulturkosmos der Renaissance. Die Gründung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Katalog der Ausstellung zum 450-jährigen Jubiläum 7. März bis 1. Juni 2008 und der Schatzkammerausstellung “Musikschätze der Wittelsbacher” 9. Juni bis 6. Juli 2008. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2008. 352 pp., ills. ISBN 978-3-447-05672-4. € 49,80.

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Recently published books – November 2008

Avenarius, Martin (ed.), Die Institutionenhandschrift der Sammlung Wallraf im Historischen Archiv der Stadt Köln. Faksimileedition und Kommentar. Leipzig, Eudora, 2008. 64 [+119] pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-938533-19-2. € 59.

Facsimile with introduction of an Italian manuscript of the early 12th century with the Institutiones Iustiniani.


Beal, Peter, A dictionary of English manuscript terminology 1450-2000. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008. 457 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-19-926544-2. $ 125 / £ 55.

Defines some 1500 terms relating to manuscripts and their production, from ‘Abbreviation’ to ‘Year Books’.


Bradley, Jill, ‘You shall surely not die’. The concepts of sin and death as expressed in the manuscript art of Northwestern Europe, c. 800-1200. Leiden, Brill, 2008 (Library of the written word: 4). 727 pp. (2 vols.), ills., ISBN 978-90-04-16910-4. € 150.

Dissertation on changing attitudes towards death, sin and salvation, as expressed in medieval miniatures.

Brantley, Jessica, Reading in the wilderness. Private devotion and public performance in late medieval England. Chicago/London, The University of Chicago Press, 2007. XVIII, 463 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-226-07132-9. $ 45.

Examination of the connections between images and texts, reading and performance, in public and in private, departing from London, BL, Add. 37049, an illustrated Yorkshire carthusian miscellany of the first half of the 15th century.

Bredow-Klaus, Isabel von, Heilsrahmen. Spirituelle Wallfahrt und Augentrug in der flämischen Buchmalerei des Spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Zweite, unveränderte Auflage, München, Herbert Utz, 2008 (tuduv-Studien, Reihe Kunstgeschichte: 81). 478 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-8316-0797-6. € 64.

Dissertation on pilgrims badges sown or painted in Gent-Bruges Books of Hours, 1480-1530.

Brown, Michelle P., The Holkham Bible picture book. A facsimile. London, The British Library, 2007. 90 [+92] pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-7123-0990-5. £ 45,49.

A new facsimile with commentary of the famous Additional MS 47682, an Anglo-Norman French picture bible from London, c. 1327-1335.


Die gotischen Handschriften der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart. Teil 2: Vom späten 13. bis zum frühen 15. Jahrhundert. Bearbeitet von Peter Burkhart, mit Beiträgen von Christine Sauer. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2005 (Katalog der illuminierten Handschriften der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart: 3). 2 vol., 414 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-447-04900-6. € 138.

Comprises 104 manuscripts.


Geheimnisse auf Pergament. Katalog zur Jahresausstellung in der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen (3. Dezember 2007 – 9. November 2008). St. Gallen, Verlag am Klosterhof, 2008. 106 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-906616-78-2. CHF 19,50.

Focusses on aspects like magic, code, riddles and ‘invisible’ script in carolingian manuscripts.


Green, D.H., Women readers in the Middle Ages. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007 (Cambridge studies in medieval literature: 65). 296 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-521-87942-2. $ 95.

Stresses the fact that the number of female readers (and writers!) throughout the Middle Ages was far greater than is commonly assumed, focussing on Germany, France and England.


Gwara, Scott, A census of medieval manuscripts in South Carolina collections. Columbia, S.C., Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina, 2007. 72 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-9801256-0-3.

Catalogue of 118 manuscripts and manuscript fragments, also available as pdf.

Heinzer, Felix, Klosterreform und mittelalterliche Buchkultur im deutschen Südwesten. Leiden/Boston, Brill, 2008 (Mittellateinische Studien und Texte: 39). 618 pp., ills., ISBN 978-90-04-16668-4. € 125.

Series of case studies dealing with the relation between monastic reform and manuscript production in southwestern Germany during the period from the 9th to the early 16th century.


Inglis, Erik, Faces of power & piety. Los Angeles / London, The J. Paul Getty Museum / The British Library, 2008 (The medieval imagination: 2). viii, 88 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-89236-930-0. $ 19,95.

This second volume in a series of small, affordable books that draw on manuscript illuminations in two rich collections, focuses on late medieval and Renaissance portraiture. An exhibition of the same name was on view at the JPG Museum.


Black is beautiful. Rubens tot Dumas. [Ed. Elmer Kolfin e.a.] Tentoonstellingscatalogus. De Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam. Zwolle, Waanders, 2008. 387 pp., ills., ISBN 978-90-400-8496-6. € 29,95.

Among the 132 works cited are nine illuminated medieval manuscripts.


Signs on the edge. Space, text and margin in medieval manuscripts. Edited by Sarah Larrat Keefer and Rolf H. Bremmer Jr. Paris/Leuven/Dudley, MA, Peeters, 2007 (Mediaevalia Groningana New Series: 10). VIII, 319 p., ills., ISBN 978-90-429-1980-8. € 62.

Eleven essays devoted to specific strategies in scribal layout or prescribed authorial design, mainly observed in early insular manuscripts.

Under the influence. The concept of influence and the study of illuminated manuscripts. Ed. by John Lowden and Alixe Bovey. Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 (Publications of the Research Centre for Illuminated Manuscripts: 1). XIII, 234 pp., ills., ISBN 978-2-503-51504-5. £ 73,34.

Papers read at the international conference held at the London Courtauld Institute of Art in July 2003; with some observations on the Utrecht Psalter.


Marrow, James, e.a., Private pleasures. Illuminated manuscripts from Persia to Paris. The collection of Denys Spittle. Cambridge, The Fitzwilliam Museum, 2007. 77 pp., ills., ISBN 978090445478-9. £ 14,95.

Catalogue of the exhibition of the private collection of Deny Spittle (1920-2003), held 23 Oct. 2007 – 7 Jan. 2008.


Parkes, M.B., Their hands before our eyes: a closer look at scribes. The Lyell Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford 1999. Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008. xix, 188 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-7546-6337-9. € 72,38.

Examines different aspects of the history of handwriting, such as its function, processes and development in antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Rauner, Erwin, Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Die Handschriften aus Augsburger Bibliotheken. Band 1: Stadtbibliothek Clm 3501-3661. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007 (Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensis. Tomus III, series nova, pars 3,1). XXXIX, 763 pp., ISBN 978-3-447-05503-1. € 118.


Saurma-Jeltsch, Lieselotte E., Pietät und Prestige im Spätmittelalter. Die Bilder in der Historiebibel der Solothurner Familie vom Staal. Basel, Schwabe, 2008 (Veröffentlichungen der Zentralbibliothek Solothurn: 30). 431 pp., ills., ISBN 978-3-7965-2415-8. € 61,50.

Study on the iconography of the bible c. 1460 commissioned by Johann von Staal of Solothurn in the atelier of Diebold Lauber in Hagenau, Alsace-Lorraine.

Schipke, Renate, Die lateinischen Handschriften in Quarto der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Teil 1: Ms. lat. quart. 146-406. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2007 (Kataloge der Handschriftenabteilung, herausgegeben von Eef Overgaauw. Erste Reihe: Handschriften: Band 6. Die lateinischen Handschriften in Quarto: Teil 1). 627 pp., ISBN 978-3-447-05433-1. € 128.


Stahl, Harvey, Picturing kingship. History and painting in the Psalter of Saint Louis. University Park, The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008. XIV, 371 pp., ills., ISBN 978-0-271-02863-7. $ 85 / £ 61,50.

Monograph on one of the best-known albeit least studied manuscripts of the entire Middle Ages.


Tanner, Marcus, The Raven king. Matthias Corvinus and the fate of his lost library. New Haven, Yale University Press, 2008. XX, 265 pp., ills., ISBN 980-0-300-12034-9. ₤ 19.

Lively account on this Hungarian king and of the quest to recover one of the greatest libraries in 15th-century Europe: of an estimated 2.200-2.500 volumes some 216 books have been identified.


Thompson, Susan D., Anglo-Saxon royal diplomas. A palaeography. Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 2006 (Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies: 6). 174 pp., ills., ISBN 1-84383-218-6. £ 45.

Traces many material aspects in the development of the 118 known presumed original royal Latin diplomas enacted in England before 1066.


Winter, Ursula, und Kurt Heydeck, Die Manuscripta Magdeburgica der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Teil 3: Ms. Magdeb. 170-286. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2008. (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz. Kataloge der Handschriften­abteilung, herausgegeben von Eef Overgaauw. Erste Reihe: Handschriften. Band 4). 306 pp., ISBN 978-3-447-05463-8. € 70.

Digital Archimedes Palimpsest Released

Last year, William Noel (The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore) and Reviel Netz published their book on the discovery and study of a palimpsest manuscript with texts by Archimedes: The Archimedes Codex: revealing the secrets of the world’s greatest palimpsest (London 2007; repr. 2008). There’s a translation into Dutch as well: De Archimedes codex: de geheimen van een opzienbarende palimpsest ontsluierd (Amsterdam 2007).

Will Noel now announces the release of the digital edition of the palimpsest:

Ten years ago today, a private American collector purchased the Archimedes Palimpsest. Since that time he has guided and funded the project to conserve, image, and study the manuscript. After ten years of work, involving the expertise and goodwill of an extraordinary number of people working around the world, the Archimedes Palimpsest Project has released its data. It is a historic dataset, revealing new texts from the ancient world. It is an integrated product, weaving registered images in many wavebands of light with XML transcriptions of the Archimedes and Hyperides texts that are spatially mapped to those images. It has pushed boundaries for the imaging of documents, and relied almost exclusively on current international standards. We hope that this dataset will be a persistent digital resource for the decades to come. We also hope it will be helpful as an example for others who are conducting similar work. It published under a Creative Commons 3.0 attribution license, to ensure ease of access and the potential for widespread use. A complete facsimile of the revealed palimpsested texts is available on Googlebooks as The Archimedes Palimpsest. It is hoped that this is the first of many uses to which the data will be put.

For information on the Archimedes Palimpsest Project, please
For the dataset, please

We have set up a discussion forum on the Archimedes Palimpsest Project. Any member can invite anybody else to join. If you want to become a member, please email:

Elk woord van Erasmus nu online

Bibliotheek Rotterdam bezit de grootste Erasmusbibliotheek ter wereld. Meer dan 1.200 boeken in deze collectie stammen uit de 16e eeuw. In het Erasmus Center for Early Modern Studies werkt Bibliotheek Rotterdam samen met de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.

Samen hebben zij nu 16e-eeuwse edities van de 15 belangrijkste boeken van Erasmus gedigitaliseerd, plus de Opera Omnia die kort na zijn dood (in 1536) in negen dikke delen verschenen. Het resultaat is gratis beschikbaar voor iedereen op de website van het Erasmus Center fEMS.

De gedigitaliseerde bronteksten zijn onderdeel van Erasmus Online, een bibliografische database van alle vroegmoderne uitgaven van Erasmus’ werk. Alle afzonderlijke titels-zoals Lof der Zotheid of Adagia-zijn snel en eenvoudig te vinden, bladzij voor bladzij door te bladeren en desgewenst enorm uit te vergroten. Zo is elk detail te bestuderen.
Zoeken in de teksten zelf is nog niet mogelijk. Zodra de techniek het toelaat dat scanners vroegmoderne drukletters vrijwel foutloos herkennen, worden de nu gedigitaliseerde teksten ook volledig doorzoekbaar.

1st Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium

1st Annual Lawrence J. Schoenberg Symposium on Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age, October 24-25, 2008

To be held at the Chemical Heritage Foundation and the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

***Registration deadline is October 19, 2008***

Public Lecture: Friday, October 24, 6:00 pm :

“Archimedes in Bits: The Digital Presentation of a Write-Off”
William Noel, Curator of Manuscripts and Rare Books, The Walters Art Museum

Symposium: Saturday, October 25, 9:00 am-5:45 pm

“On the Nature of Things: Modern Perspectives on Scientific Manuscripts”

Speakers include:

Alejandro García Avilés, Universidad de Murcía
Gerhard Brey, Center for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College, London
Charles Burnett, The Warburg Institute
Marilyn Deegan, Center for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College, London
Gabriele Ferrario, Independent Scholar
Menso Folkerts, Institute for the History of Science, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
Monica Green, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Kim Plofker, Union College
Dot Porter, Digital Humanities Observatory at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin
Michael Solomon, University of Pennsylvania
John Walsh, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University

For more info and registration, go to the symposium’s website.


International conference, Bruges, 12-14 May 2009, in the framework of the exhibition ‘Charles the Bold. The splendour of Burgundy’ (27 March – 21 July 2009, Bruges, Groeninge Museum and Church of Our Lady; in cooperation with Historisches Museum Bern and Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna).

In the course of the fifteenth century, the reputation of the Burgundian court rose to an unprecedented level, catapulted forward by ever growing territorial ambitions and accumulation of wealth. This reached a climax during the reign of Charles the Bold (1433-1477), the living embodiment of the pomp and pageantry of the Burgundian court and a generous patron of the fine arts.
Rather than focusing on a single domain, the conference aims to shed light on Burgundian court culture as an organic whole, between the start of the reign of Philip the Good (1419) and the death of Mary of Burgundy (1482). It is intended to provide a forum for new research from the fields of History, History of Art, Literature and Musicology. To this end, two plenary assemblies will present a multidisciplinary approach to the topics of ‘Power of/and representation’ and ‘Feast culture’, while a number of specialised sessions will allow in-depth exploration and discussion of more specific aspects of the conference theme.

Proposals for both panel sessions and individual papers in the form of an abstract not exceeding 300 words should be sent as an e-mail attachment to by 15 December 2008. Notification of acceptance will be given by 30 January 2008. The conference language is English.

De Renaissance prentkunst in de Nederlanden

A conference on the Renaissance print in the Netherlands will take place at the Kunsthistorisch seminarie van het KIK nr. 9 / Séminaire d’histoire de l’art de l’IRPA n° 9 (Brussels), on 24/10/2008

Ochtendzitting onder voorzitterschap van Prof. Didier MARTENS (ULB).
Séance de la matinée sous la présidence du Prof. Didier MARTENS (ULB).


09.00 Ontvangst in het KIK (Jubelpark 1, Brussel) / Accueil à l’IRPA (parc du Cinquantenaire 1, Bruxelles).09.30 Verwelkoming door Mevr. Myriam SERCK, algemeen directeur van het KIK.
Introduction par Mme Myriam SERCK, directeur général de l’IRPA.
09.40 Dr Luc SERCK (docteur en histoire de l’art de l’UCL) : Apports de la gravure à la datation des œuvres d’Henri Bles.10.15 Joris VAN GRIEKEN (wetenschappelijk medewerker, KBR): De prent als merkartikel : de case van Hieronymus Cock.

Pauze / Pause.

11.15 Dr Godelieve DENHAENE (responsable du Cabinet des Estampes, KBR) : Ortelius, amateur de gravures.

11.50 Drs. Edward WOUK (Ph.D. candidate, Harvard University): The Early Prints of Frans Floris de Vriendt: a Question of Style.

12.25 Vrije maaltijd / Repas libre.Namiddagzitting onder voorzitterschap van Prof. Jan VAN DER STOCK (KUL).
Séance de l’après-midi sous la présidence du Prof. Jan VAN DER STOCK (KUL).

14.00 Prof. Ralph DEKONINCK (chercheur qualifié FNRS-UCL) : Entre docere, delectare et movere. Contribution à l’étude du frontispice anversois de la fin du XVIe siècle.

14.35 Dr. Ger LUIJTEN (directeur van het Rijksprentenkabinet, Amsterdam): Ook vrouwen kunnen dwaas zijn. Opmerkingen bij prenten van Frans Hogenberg.15.10 Pauze / Pause.

15.35 Dr. Ann DIELS (post-doctoraal onderzoeker, KBR): Adriaen Collaert (ca. 1560-1618): hoe een veel gevraagd graveur ondernemer wordt.

16.10 Dr Isabelle LECOCQ (ex-chef de travaux, IRPA-KIK) : Aux sources de l’invention : usages de la gravure au XVIe siècle dans les anciens Pays-Bas et la principauté de Liège.

16.45 Dr. Lieve WATTEEUW (wetenschappelijk medewerker, KUL): Prentcollecties in de 18de en 19de eeuw. Monteren, conserveren en tentoonstellen.

17.20 Slot / Clôture des travaux.

Gratis inschrijven (maar verplicht voor alle deelnemers) voor zover de 90 plaatsen beschikbaar zijn: anne.gerards@kikirpa.beInscription gratuite (mais obligatoire pour tous les participants) dans la limite des 90 places disponibles :

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