Recent verschenen literatuur – 2011

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AELST, José van, Vruchten van de passie. De laatmiddeleeuwse passieliteratuur verkend aan de hand van Suso’s Honderd artikelen. Hilversum, Verloren, 2011 (Middeleeuwse Studies en Bronnen: 129). 352 pp., b/w ills. ISBN 978-90-8704-222-6. € 35.

Explores the adaptations of Suso’s well known text in the Northern Netherlands.


AUSSERLECHNER, Petra, Walter Neuhauser, Claudia Schretter & Ursula Stampfer, Katalog der Handschriften der Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol in Innsbruck. Teil 7: Cod. 601-700. Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011 (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters: II.4). 2 vols. (Katalogband and Registerband), 494, 136 pp., ills. ISBN 978-3-7001-6899-7. With cd-rom. € 139.

Seventh volume of the Tyrol library catalogue, issued since 1987. The entire work is planned to have 10 volumes and will contain descriptions of 1067 manuscripts.

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Workshop in Leuven, april 2012

Nog een aankondiging die via de Apilist binnenkwam:

2-3 april 2012: Methods and means for digital ananlysis of ancient and medieval texts and manuscripts, te houden aan de Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven. Voorstellen voor papers kunnen tot 15 januari 2012 worden ingediend. Voor meer informatie, klik HIER.

Cursus aan de University of London, 2012

Van Apilist overgenomen:

London, University of London, Institute of English Studies, 23-27 April 2012: Course: Medieval Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age.

Applications close on 13 January 2012 but early registration is strongly  recommended:


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Call for Papers: Leeds 2012

Call for Papers: “Outside the Ruling: Signs of Use in Medieval Manuscripts”
International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 9-12 July 2012.

Organizers: Kathryn Rudy, University of St Andrews, and Kathryn Gerry, University of Kansas.

Sponsor: St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies.

The careful planning and structuring of medieval books offer implied guidelines for how they should be used, but as is made clear by many of the manuscripts themselves, readers were free to follow or ignore such guidelines. This session will include papers on the physical manifestations of use in medieval manuscripts, with an emphasis on the ways medieval readers/viewers interacted with their books. Interaction could include touching, rubbing, kissing, or adding/removing materials from medieval manuscripts, at any stage in the course of their lives; evidence of such interaction might be manifest in the materials of a given manuscript (including leaves, bindings, pigments, inks, gold, etc), or might be reflected in a later copy, description or depiction. Papers might also explore ways in which producers of books (or portions of books) sought to direct, control, hinder, or otherwise mediate the responses of readers/viewers. We seek papers from researchers in art history, history, literature, codicology, conservation, history of religions, and other fields concerned with the history of the medieval book. It is our intention to publish a collection of essays on this subject, and papers accepted in this session will be considered for inclusion in this project.

Papers should be 20 minutes in length, to be delivered in English. Please send an abstract of not more than 250 words and a current CV to both of the organizers: Kathryn Gerry ( and Kathryn Rudy (; proposals must be received by Friday, 9 September, 2011.

The nineteenth International Medieval Congress will take place at Leeds, UK, 9-12 July, 2012; for more information on the IMC, please visit

Recent publications / 2010 II

BEIER, Christine (ed.), Neue Forschungen zur Buchmalerei / Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte 58. Wien/Köln/Weimar, Böhlau, 2009. 273 pp., ills. ISBN 978-3-205-78476-0. € 69.

Twelve essays on decoration (mostly penwork) in manuscripts and incunabula.


BOOTON, Diane E., Manuscripts, market and the transition to print in late medieval Brittany. Farnham, Ashgate, 2010. xviii, 469 pp., ills. ISBN 978-0-7546-6623-3. £ 65.

Innovative survey of the production and marketing of non-monastic Breton manuscripts and printed books from c. 1340 to 1535, incorporating archival research into the prices, wages and commissions associated with the manufacture of books.

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Cambridge University Library’s project to re-catalogue its incunabula
online has now been running for six months, and the group has started a blog
to record their progress and draw attention to new discoveries. Posts so
far include “A book from Parrhasius’s library”, “Cicero re-ordered”,
which identifies the 1471 Venice edition of “De finibus bonorum et
malorum” as the editio princeps of that text, and an appeal for help in
identifying some painted arms in a copy of Pomponius Mela’s “De

Click here for further details of the project, or here for the blog, and here for searching the catalogue.

Recent publications – 2010/1

AGATI, Maria Luisa, Il libro manoscritto da Oriente a Occidente: per una codicologia comparata. Roma, “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, 2009 (Studia archaeologica: 166). 528 pp., ills. ISBN 978-88-8265-513-6. € 191.

Initially meant as a second edition of Il libro manoscritto: introduzione alla codicologia (2003), this publication underwent a complete revision. Indispensable!


ARN, Mary-Jo, The poet’s notebook. The personal manuscript of Charles d’Orléans (Paris, BnF, MS fr. 25458). Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 (Texts and transitions: studies in the history of manuscripts and printed books: 3). xi, 200 pp., ills. ISBN 978-2-503-52070-4. With cd-rom. € 80.

Reconstructs the sequence of the composition of the manuscript with poetry by Charles of Valois, duke of Orléans, c. 1440-1465.


AS-VIJVERS, Anne Margreet (ed.), De hand van de meester. Het Getijdenboek van Katherina van Kleef. Nijmegen/Antwerpen 159 pp., ills. ISBN 978-90-5544-822-7. € 24,90.

English translation: AS-VIJVERS, Anne Margreet (ed.), From the hand of the master. The Hours of Catherine of Cleves.

Five essays on and 35 descriptions of miniatures by the most famous illuminator of the Northern Netherlands.
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Recent publications – December 2009

BAGNOLI, Martina (ed.), Prayers in code. Books of Hours from Renaissance France. Baltimore, The Walters Art Museum, 2009. 86 pp., ills. ISBN 978-0-911886-72-6. $ 14,95.

Accompanies the exhibition held from 25 april to 19 july 2009.



BAIER-SCHRÖCKE, Helga, Die Buchmalerei in der Chronik des Ernst von Kirchberg im Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer kunstgeschichtlichen Erforschung. Schwerin, Landeshauptarchiv, 2007 (Findbücher, Inventare und kleine Schriften des Landeshauptarchivs Schwerin: 13). 116 pp., ills. ISBN 3-9809707-2-8. € 19,80.

On a rhymed chronicle of Mecklenburg, probably illuminated by the cistercians of Doberan around 1378.

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Ghent University (B)

September 21-22, 2010

The Department of Dutch Literature of Ghent University, the Department of Dutch Language and Culture of Radboud University Nijmegen and the Ruusbroecgenootschap (University of Antwerp) will hold an international conference on the transformation of texts and textual complexes in the medieval Netherlands. We hereby invite paper proposals exploring this theme.



Texts are subject to transformation, especially during the Middle Ages. The medieval textual culture was a manuscript culture that was characterized in a unique way by variance. Every new copy offered the scribe the possibility to adapt the text to new contextual circumstances. Central questions will therefore be: what happened to a text when it arrived outside the context where it originated? Why were texts varied in the Middle Ages? How did changing circumstances lead to adaptations within a text, so that it would function in an optimal way in its new context? How did the influence of the context manifest itself in medieval texts? Why were some texts not adapted, even when the circumstances seem to be perfect to provoke a change? These questions do not have to be limited to individual texts. One could think of larger textual complexes as well, such as manuscripts and book collections (libraries), as they were also subject to transformation and reveal in their composition a dynamic that is connected to contextual changes.

We invite you to submit a proposal for a paper that relates to the contextual shift of medieval texts within and from the Netherlands, and to elaborate on the whys and wherefores of the accompanying changes. What happened to texts when institutional changes occurred? How did the transition to another medium (from manuscript to print or vice versa) affect the text? In some cases, it is even possible to study a medieval text that has been handed down for a long(er) period. It would be interesting to observe the successive shifts within such a text. Next to these breaks of medium or context which stimulated transformation, the function and meaning of texts or textual complexes could also undergo changes when they got in the hands of a new user. This one could for instance make corrections and notes, which changed the meaning of the texts. A new owner could fit the texts in his (book) collection in a different way, and thus transform the nature of his collection and change the meaning of the texts.

The conference expressly intends to link interesting cases to methodology and the development of theories. The theme we have presented here has indeed been strongly emphasized within the so called New or Material Philology, and even earlier, within the überlieferungsgeschichtliche Forschung. These approaches have heavily influenced researchers in the last decades, but not everything that seems theoretically significant is also practicable. We could therefore ask: what are the possibilities of this source-orientated approach and at what point do we reach its borders? To what extent may we draw conclusions on the meaning and the function of manuscripts and book collections or on the profile of the owner, on the basis of the composition of a manuscript or a collection? To what extent may we draw conclusions on the meaning of a text and on the profile of the scribe, on the basis of changes in the text and on marginal notes?

An approach that wants to do justice to the original textual culture in the Netherlands cannot be limited to texts in only one language. At the scribe’s desk, in miscellanies and in book collections, texts in different languages were present. That is why we are not focusing attention solely on Dutch literature; we also want to include texts in other languages (Latin, French, German …) that were written and/or received in the Netherlands. In addition, we want to draw into the conference the Dutch literature that has been received in other regions.

Texts are subject to transformation, but the nature, reasons and interpretations of the changes, still remain to be studied.

Confirmed Keynote

Stephen G. Nichols, James M. Beall Professor of French and Humanities, Johns Hopkins University (USA)


Paper proposals (max. 250 words) can be sent to before February 9, 2010. Presentations should be 20-30 minutes long. The official language at the conference will be English.

Organising Committee

Dirk Coigneau (Ghent University)

Youri Desplenter (Ghent University)

Renée Gabriël (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Thom Mertens (University of Antwerp)

Johan Oosterman (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Ulrike Wuttke (Ghent University)

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